Literary sketches
a blog for all artists
Have you ever...?
Hello, friends! Have you ever struggled with writers or art block? I'm here for you! My blog will tell you about problems all of us artists face, and how to overcome them. There will also be a lot on tips and tricks, so stay tuned!
My name's Trick, and I'm thirteen years old. I'm an aspiring reader, writer, and artist! I love to write, especially crime novels, and my favorite author is James Patterson.
I also love music! Emo, indie and alternative rock are my favorite genres, and Alex G, Lovejoy, and Sir Chloe are pretty good. Sometimes, when I'm bored, I'll also listen to liminal space music because it helps with stress for me.
Well, you know what I like reading about, but who do I like writing about?! Well, I usually jot about average people, mostly teenage boys but sometimes they'll be older, and at the time they're usually in tough situations.
I love to draw, too! I've been working on human anatomy for some time now. The real problem with drawing that I have is hair. Hair is so hard to draw for me!! I started working off on cats, so it's kind of difficult.
I also love to play guitar! I've been doing so for about a year and I'm getting ready to learn barres.
Anyways, that's all about me! Toodles!
Posting Times
Hey everybody! I want to say that posts will either by biweekly or weekly or Thursdays, depending on if I find anything interesting to write about or if artist craziness happens in the middle of the night and I have a whole post to post, hehe~ I will try to be consistent, but I will warn you, it may tend to become erratic after a long while! So, if you enjoy the craziness, thank you for your time and paitence. Also, I am very silly, so please excuse my funny manners. I love to goof off, but when it's time to RP you may find that I become cold-dead serious. Toodley-oodley, and thanks for checking out my blog! :3
The Artsy Area
Contact me here!
You can contact me on e-mail, discord, belletristica, rpnation, and scratch! Here are usernames and links to each site:
Discord- vanilladrawsurstuff
Scratch- -vinillacoffebeanz-
Want to talk another way?
You can also send your contact information here!
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© Trick Co. , 2024